The answer to my previous question is YES according to
teach P Pronunciation Key (tch)
v. taught, (tôt) teach·ing, teach·es
v. tr.
To impart knowledge or skill to: teaches children.
To provide knowledge of; instruct in: teaches French.
To condition to a certain action or frame of mind: teaching youngsters to be self-reliant.
To cause to learn by example or experience: an accident that taught me a valuable lesson.
To advocate or preach: teaches racial and religious tolerance.
To carry on instruction on a regular basis in: taught high school for many years.
Fascinating and eye opening for me.
I carried a pre-conceived *idea* about what teaching was.
It was like a little red *warning* flag was raised in my mind whenever I came accross it.
There is also a pre-conceived *idea/belief* that teaching is something that can only happen by a TEACHER in a SCHOOL.
I did not carry that notion, but I have come across others who do.
The conversation is always interesting.
"To impart knowledge or skill to...To provide knowledge of; instruct in..."
According to instruct is defined as:
v. tr.
To provide with knowledge, especially in a methodical way. See Synonyms at teach.
To give orders to; direct.
v. intr.
To serve as an instructor.
"To provide with knowledge"
I LOVE this!
Think of this in regards to TELEVISION, VIDEO GAMES, and COMIC BOOKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For me t.v., video games, and comic books are all *ways* to LEARN and are all FABULOUS ways of learning.
T.V. in and of itself is not a bad thing!
It's some of the CONTENT that's maybe not so *good*.
That's where another unschooling line gets fuzzy for some people,
what is *good* what is *bad* and WHOSE determination of what defines *good* and *bad* is adhered to???
And that is where remembering that you are in a partnership WITH your kids, not OVER your kids is helpful.
Once again, I head to to see what it says about partnership:
part·ner·ship P Pronunciation Key (pärtnr-shp)
The state of being a partner.
A legal contract entered into by two or more persons in which each agrees to furnish a part of the capital and labor for a business enterprise, and by which each shares a fixed proportion of profits and losses.
The persons bound by such a contract.
A relationship between individuals or groups that is characterized by mutual cooperation and responsibility, as for the achievement of a specified goal: Neighborhood groups formed a partnership to fight crime.
and this about partner:
part·ner P Pronunciation Key (pärtnr)
One that is united or associated with another or others in an activity or a sphere of common interest, especially:
A member of a business partnership.
A spouse.
A domestic partner. See Usage Note at domestic partner.
Either of two persons dancing together.
One of a pair or team in a sport or game, such as tennis or bridge.
Nautical. A wooden framework used to strengthen a ship's deck at the point where a mast or other structure passes through it. Often used in the plural.
v. part·nered, part·ner·ing, part·ners
v. tr.
To make a partner of.
To bring together as partners.
To be the partner of.
v. intr.
To work or perform as a partner or partners.
For us the *specified goal* is harmony, happiness, trust.
HUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am realizing that
we have
on what our *specified goal* is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The above that i mentioned are what MINE for the family are!!!!!!
Well duh on me.
*off to ask for a family meeting*